
Rupert Murdoch Humiliating Donald Trump Phone Call Leaks

todayNovember 15, 2022

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Media mogul Rupert Murdoch has stated plainly that he does not plan to back former President Donald Trump if he runs again as the GOP candidate in the 2024 Presidential Election and has even said he would back a Democrat candidate, according to reports.

Chairman of News Corp and Fox News, Murdoch made it understood that due to the Trump-backed candidates not pulling out the win in the recent mid-term elections,  » Read More

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Written by: Andrew Powell

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Kari Lake Pool Swimsuit Photo Revealed

Kari Lake, the former TV news anchor, and GOP candidate for Governor of Arizona has been snapped taking a dip in her pool with her pug, as the results of the recent elections are still up in the air after Arizona law states that the race could go into a recount.According to the Fox News Decision Desk,  » Read More

todayNovember 15, 2022
