
Anteloper – “One Living Genus”

todayApril 20, 2022 1

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Tim Saccenti

When Phil Freeman wrote about Jaimie Branch and Jason Nazar’s Anteloper in his jazz column Ugly Beauty four years ago, he enthused, “Honestly, this music has as much in common with Excepter as it does with jazz, and that’s exactly what makes it great.” Branch plays trumpet, Nazar plays drums,

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Carlos Truly – “New Growth”

Ava Luna’s Carlos Hernandez is releasing a new album as Carlos Truly, Not Mine, in the summer. He announced it last month with “108th,” and today he’s back with another single from it, “New Growth.” “To me this song sounds like turbulence vs calm, the tension between aspiration and frustration,  » Read More

todayApril 20, 2022
