
Band To Watch: Dazy

todaySeptember 26, 2022 1

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Dazy is for the people. People who know the words to every Punk-O-Rama compilation. People with an emergency Oasis reunion fund. People who will talk your ear off about Dookie. People who worship at the altar of the Jesus And Mary Chain’s proto-shoegaze. People who love ’60s pop (and can tolerate full-throttle guitar distortion).

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Written by: Lizzie Manno

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Palm – “On The Sly”

Palm are less than a month out from releasing Nicks And Grazes, the band’s first new album in four years. They’ve shared “Feathers” and “Parable Lickers‘ from it already, and today they’re back with another track, the syrupy and psychedelic “On The Sly.”  » Read More

todaySeptember 26, 2022 1
