
Captain Plugins 5 Review: Music Production and Songwriting Made Easy (Kind Of)

todayOctober 6, 2022 34

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Mixed In Key recently released a new suite of plugins designed to make your time in the studio more effective. The Captain 5 Bundle includes five unique plugins that help generate musical ideas easily by working together to develop sketches quickly. Using these tools, you can write chord …

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Smidley – “Another Devil” (Feat. Shinra Knives)

Back in 2017, Foxing leader Conor Murphy released his debut album under the name Smidley, which offered up a brighter, poppier take on his main band’s often maudlin music. Since then, Foxing has moved further toward pop-rock with last year’s Draw Down The Moon. Now Murphy is back with a new Smidley album,  » Read More

todayOctober 6, 2022 4
