
Cory Hanson – “Horsebait Sabotage”

todayApril 19, 2023 13

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Cory Hanson has a way with titles. The name of the Wand leader’s upcoming solo album is Western Cum — great! And his new song is called “Horsebait Sabotage.” What does that mean? Who knows! But it’s a great name, and fitting for a song that sounds like a frizzled country rock track,

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Stream redveil’s Energized New EP playing w/ fire

Last year, the Maryland rapper and producer redveil released his breakout album learn 2 swim on his 18th birthday. Since then, redveil has become a rising star and a full-time touring act. Tomorrow, redveil turns 19. Today, 364 days after learn 2 swim, redveil has come out with a new EP that pushed his style in new directions.  » Read More

todayApril 19, 2023 13
