
Creative Ways Record Labels Are Making Money In 2022

todayOctober 11, 2022 1

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As Spotify and other streaming platforms continue to drain all forms of profit from the creative side of the industry, artists and record labels are either forced to adapt or crumble. But through this hardship, a select few labels have found innovative ways to thrive.  Box of Cats is a label …

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The Midnight Share The 15 Best Synthwave Tracks Of All Time

Synthwave has always been a bit of a niche-market genre with a devoted fanbase. But unlike most other genres of its size, the feelings that synthwave conjures are visceral. Because synthwave thrives on nostalgia, a powerful emotion that all humans react strongly to. So whether it's longing for ...Continue reading  » Read More

todayOctober 11, 2022 9
