
Descendents Cancel European Tour Following Milo Aukerman’s “Mild” Heart Attack

todayJuly 28, 2023

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Ed Colver

Last summer we got Milo Goes To Congress, and now I guess it’s Milo Goes To The Hospital? Descendents, the Southern California pop-punk legends, announced today that they’ll be canceling their upcoming European tour because singer-guitarist Milo Aukerman suffered a “mild heart attack” last night. He’s expected to make a full recovery,

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Written by: Chris DeVille

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Tree River – “Earthside”

On April Fool’s Day 2022, the New York emo band Tree River released a monstrously catchy album called Time Being. They followed it up with one-off single “Get Up” last fall, and now they’re back with another new track. “Earthside” shows off many aspects of Tree River,  » Read More

todayJuly 28, 2023
