
Esoteric & Cosmic Astrologer Anastasia Interview by Dj Nocturna

todayAugust 20, 2020 15

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Originally aired on Modsnap Radio’s ‘Queen of Wands’ with Dj Nocturna, May 16th, 2020. Visit DjNocturna.com

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    Esoteric & Cosmic Astrologer Anastasia Interview by Dj Nocturna Modsnap Radio

Esoteric Astrologer Anastasia
Dj Nocturna speaks with Esoteric & Cosmic Astrologer Anastasia.

Dj Nocturna:
 I’m speaking to Anastasia, a professional astrologer who specializes in esoteric, evolutionary, medieval, and traditional astrology. She’s been teaching astrology and working with clients for over 25 years and providing astrological consultations and teachings.

Thank you for coming on the show all the way from the land down under.

Anastasia: Hi, thank you so much for having me. It’s wonderful to be here in this space with you and have, you know, interesting dialogue. Yeah. Thank you for inviting me. I appreciate it very much !

Dj Nocturna: Now you have a popular, YouTube channel , which is where I became familiar with your work.

And, you know, one thing I really like about your channel, which makes you a little bit different from other YouTubers is that you really take the time doing the research and sharing your knowledge and wisdom and your expertise in the subject matter to your viewers, which allows us, and we all come from all walks of life, all coming from different levels of learning, you know, the opportunity to understand astrology better, which is why I kept going back to your channel. You know, you give generously.

And that’s priceless, you know, to give it, to give generously your wisdom, sharing it with everybody. And I’ve been following the first time I came in contact with your YouTube channel, which is, I don’t know how it goes there. I think is the… what do you call that? I dunno, it must have been when you put hashtags or something, people just find you better.

I don’t know what it is, but algorithms, you know, So I’m following your channel now for, almost, I don’t know, maybe two years, close to two years. In one of your videos, you said, “Astrology has the power to remove ignorance,”  which I, which I love that. I love that statement. 

Anastasia:  It does, yes !

Dj Nocturna: and I understand it, you know, and, You know, I wanted my listeners to know a little bit about, you know, they know astrology from, you know, the birth, the birth signs of sun signs, you know, but there’s a little more than that.

So there’s a more deeper meaning, you know, what, what is it that got you..what is it about astrology, particularly esoteric astrology that, that moved you to want to pursue the, this course of study?

Anastasia: Well, just a tiny little bit of background in terms of how my journey started in astrology. As I’ve briefly mentioned to you.. do I call you  Dj Nocturna or do I call you Ann.

Dj Nocturna: you can call me anything you like.

Anastasia: So, as I briefly mentioned to you, I mean, it is, it is important just for the viewers are supposed to have a little bit of insight in terms of, perhaps why I am so passionate about these very ancient and sacred teachings. And why I’ve decided to more or less devote my whole life to it.

It began when I was very, very young. I read my first book when I was about 12 years old. I read a book on sun signs and it had a, it had a very, very strong impression on me. It was like I was reading something that wasn’t new to me. It was just something that I naturally understood. And so from then on, I continued to read books and so on and so forth.

And I was always very interested in the human psyche, in the psychology of human beings. And I was always very interested in the deeper components of people and why people are the way they are. Why they live the life that they do, why they feel the way they do, why they have the relationships they do, you know, just the journey of people.

That was something that was always, a great interest to me from a very, very young age, which is a little bit unusual because it’s not like I had, parents that weren’t necessarily academic as such, but my father was very, very spiritual and very musical as well. So later on in life, I came to, I was actually standing in this tiny little alternative shop.

And, there was a flyer there that was, offering a two year course in astrology. And my partner at the time picked it up and said, this is for  you, you are absolutely meant to do this. And that partner at that time was incredibly clairvoyant as well. So I picked up the flyer. I had a look at it. I didn’t even think about it.

I called the person straight away and I said, I’m interested in, coming to this course, what do I need to do? et cetera, et cetera. When I first walked into the class, I was the first one there. Right. I was so keen. I was early. I was the first one there. And that person who was conducting that two year course, this is 25 years ago now, has been my, my mentor, my best friend, my teacher, my everything, since then.

So most of my astrology, probably 70% I’ve learned through him, his, He’s in his late seventies now. He’s been practicing astrology for 50 years. He’s one of the best astrologers in the world without question. He’s is an incredibly technical astrologer. And the technical component of astrology is something that is not easy.

And most people can’t get their head around it. It requires the understanding of Divine timing, Divine systems and just the nature of how time works, not just time as in material time, but spiritual time, astrological time, which is different to the time that you see on your watch. Anyway, I continued to study with him.

I did the course. Then I went on and did studies with  another very well-known and terrific astrologer by the name of Bernadette Brady, which is where I studied my medieval astrology. And then my journey just continued and continued. And I just kept on immersing myself in studying basically. And I’m still studying.

I still consider myself to be a student. So there was this, there was this experience from when I first entered that classroom and I sat down and he started to speak. From the moment he started to speak my soul just immediately knew that I was in the exact right place that I needed to be. And over the two years where I studied he always said to me from, from way back then, and this gentleman had conducted hundreds and hundreds of classes we’ve had thousands of students. And he always said to me that, I was his favorite student because I was most keen. I was the most enthusiastic. I was the most engaging, I asked the most questions.

I was just very, very engaging. I was just, it was like, I was, my soul was just being fed with this beautiful, beautiful wisdom that was just bringing me back to life with something that I actually deeply understood anyway. So fast forward, to about three, four years ago where I decided to practice astrology full time.

And there’s obviously a gap of many, many years where I, I had several other careers and so forth. As I’ve mentioned to you, I’m also a counselor, mental health practitioner. So I’ve studied psychology, which really compliments the astrological teachings as well. Yeah. I decided to create a YouTube channel.

I actually had no specific purpose in mind. When I started it, I didn’t, I didn’t even know what I was doing relative to the technological aspects of how to create a YouTube channel, et cetera. It all just kind of fell together for me.

Dj Nocturna:  It was like it was meant to be.

Yeah, it’s, I’ve always felt from a very young age that I’ve been divinely guided as cliche as that may sound.

That’s truly what I felt from my heart. So I’ve always had the support whenever I’ve needed it, it just shows up, you know, it just literally shows up and I just stumble across things that I need at any given moment to support me through whatever process that may be. So,   esoteric astrology Just going back to your original question.

I learned that esoteric astrology 25 years ago as well, that’s when I was first introduced to it because the person that I was studying with at the time. He’s partner is also a wonderful astrologer and she’s an exoteric astrologer actually, but she also would run, workshops and, short courses and so on and so forth.

And I did all those courses with her back then 25 years ago. And it was actually about four or five years ago where I started to re-open the exploration of esoteric astrology again, and started to work with that with my clients. Would you like me to explain a little bit about what esoteric astrology is?

Dj Nocturna: Yeah, I’m not sure how many people are, who are listening are familiar with, with, you know, we have, astrology is, is, has many facets. It’s huge. So I just wanted to, I don’t know how many people are really aware of it. I mean, I needed to find out what it was, you know, when I first started listening to you.

So, yes, please.

Anastasia:  yeah. Well, I mean, astrology to begin with whether it’s esoterical or otherwise is basically a language it’s a complete language unto itself, and it’s the language of symbols and the artistry of astrology is to be able to combine t he, the mental conceptual field of understanding the mechanics of astrology in combination with your intuition that’s first and foremost and, and understanding the symbols. Cause it’s a symbolic language. It’s like if you speak, I speak Greek for example, because I have a Greek background. I’m pretty good with languages. I picked up Arabic when I was living in the middle East.

It’s one of those things, but astrology is just another language, basically. But esoteric astrology is quite different to exoteric astrology, which is the Western westernized model of astrology.

Dj Nocturna: That’s probably the one that more people are familiar with.

Right? The other, the other astrology.

Anastasia: Absolutely, because exoteric astrology appeals to the masses, it appeals to the personality. That’s what exoteric astrology is based on it’s based on the personality. And if we look at the, structure of the world, 80% of humanity is basically functioning and operating from the personality level.

And this is where is the esoteric astrology comes in and really only appeals to maybe 10, 15% of the population on the earth. Esoteric astrology to encapsulate one sort of sentence of how you might explain what it is. It’s simply the astrology of the soul. It’s soul sensitive astrology. That’s basically what it is in a nutshell.

Dj Nocturna: That’s beautiful.

Anastasia: So yeah, it really is. And yeah, it’s the study of cycle as astrology is anyway, whether it’s Exoteric or Esoteric. When we, when we’re trying to understand the symbolic language of astrology. First of all, we need to understand the archetypal psychological level, but we also need to understand the, every single cycle that is contained within every single planet, including the earth herself.

So if esoteric astrology takes us above and beyond the personality level, of understanding life and of living life. It’s the ability to help us understand the purpose of our soul and what we are here to give actually, you see when, when people, thinking more from the personality level It’s normally the thinking process around that- It’s usually what can I get out of this? How can I achieve this, what do I need to do to get that, et cetera, et cetera. But when we are more aligned with the soul’s intention and purpose, we come from a space of what am I here to give, which is the complete opposite of what, what can I take?

What can I have, you know, Does that make sense?

Dj Nocturna: Yes, absolutely. Yes. one of, one of the, I think what a lot of people are really interested in, is a, is the relationship astrology part because, you know, everybody wants to get… everybody is either in the relationship or not, or they want to be in the relationship.

So I wanted to talk a little bit about the composite charts, you know, since, you’re very knowledgeable in that, you’re very knowledgeable,

Anastasia: Yeah, relationship astrology is one of my favorite areas actually, because I did a lot of couples counseling as well. Well, when I was working as a therapist, I always explored astrology and I always..

Yeah. And I’ve always, understood even in my own private, personal life. If, if I make a connection with somebody that the first thing I asked them is can I have your time of birth, date of birth, place of birth? Now, a lot of people are not, necessarily very comfortable with that. And there’s a lot of people I’ve met.

I’m talking about a romantic connection, right? If I was to meet somebody, if somebody is uncomfortable with giving me their time, date, and place of birth. This is going to sound a little bit judgmental, but it’s just factual from my own personal experience. I already know if they can’t respond to that, then it’s likely not going to work between us because that’s an immediate position of being fairly reserved and, and not open, you know, and I, I, myself, I’m a very open person, although I’m very private,  I’m still very open. So relationship astrology is incredibly complex and It’s a specialty. It really is a specialty unto itself. There’s a number of ways of understanding it. First of all, it’s really about..

For example, just so the viewers can understand what I’m saying. If I had a person come to me and say, look I would like to have a relationship reading, I’ve just met somebody or, I mean, I’m in a relationship, I’ve been with this person for a year. Well, to put a relationship reading together it takes a lot of time because there’s a lot of detail involved and there’s a chart you actually need to look at.

And what is the chart? A chart is a birth chart. All of us have a birth chart, right? There’s there’s the process of looking at two individual birth charts of two individuals. Right ? Understanding the, the actual birth charts, both individuals as stand alone individuals. We are all unique, regardless of being in a relationship or not, but that’s one level.

The next level is something called Synastry Chart. Now Synastry Chart can be examined and understood, not only for people who are in a romantic relationship, but that that system can be applied to a business partnership to the relationship that you have with your mother, with your sister, with whomever.

Right? And you can still do that with composite chart as well, but I’ll get to that in a moment. Synastry astrology, just to to draw a distinction between Synastry and Composite, because this is very, very important. Synastry is basically assessing the dynamics between you and me, for example, can I, can I speak a little bit about you’ve got your sun in Sagittarius. You’re okay for me to mention that, right?

Dj Nocturna: Yeah, I guess so. Yeah. Yeah.

Anastasia: I won’t, I won’t, I won’t talk about anymore

Dj Nocturna: You can, you can, as long..you can,

Anastasia: I wouldn’t go into any personal details and information. I’m just using a very basic example. So you’ve got your sun in Sagittarius. I’ve got my sun in Aries, right? Yes. So that’s very, as simple as that may sound, that’s a very important point because in a, whether it’s a working relationship or a personal relationship, you’re a fire sign, ok,  I’m a fire sign. Aries is a fire sign, Sagittarius is a fire sign . Now fire signs and air signs are the category that connects to freedom and adventure. So anyone who is an air sign or fire sign they would be more drawn and attracted to individuals in their life that will bring a sense of excitement and adventure.

Okay. The, the. The contrast to that would be the earth signs and the water signs. And I’ll just run through what they are so that people are not questioning  what’s an earth sign, what’s a water sign? First of all, let’s just start with them. I’ll just run through it quickly. So the air signs are Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. Okay. The fire signs, Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. The earth signs are Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn, and the water signs are Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces to listeners that might not be aware.

Dj Nocturna: And, and those signs, the way that, the way that, the the elements are the same in, in the esoteric astrology, just like in the Western astrology the same?

Anastasia: Okay. Okay. Yes, absolutely. Yes. so if you’re looking at two individuals who come together, I’m the point of view, just going back to Synastry Chart. So when you’re looking at  Synastry chart, you’re basically looking at the energy between two people, literally, what are the dynamics? What are the energetic exchanges that occur when these two people hang out together?

When they go out and party, when they sit down and talk, when they have dinner and they go for a walk, whatever, anything you just basically trying to get a feel and an understanding of how these people connect energetically, spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically, what is the exchange that is going on between them?

How is it flowing? How is it restricted? How is it complimentary? How is it challenging? Right? So that is Synastry, in, in a very, well sort of nutshell. Now, the Composite Chart in relationship astrology is completely different because what happens with it with the Composite Chart, A composite chart is literally one chart.

And that means that I would bring two individual charts together to make the one chart, which becomes the composite chart. Okay. So instead of. Instead of.. in Synastry we had the exchange of energies between two people.  In the composite chart what we have is the unison, the unity of those energies between the two people, which becomes one.

So the Composite Chart describes the absolute unison of two individuals, all the energies combined into one, but it’s, it’s very, very different Synastry to Composite. However, when people do come for a relationship reading, I usually look at both. I usually look at Synastry and Composite because you, you are extracting different information from a Synastry Chart and Composite Chart, and you really do need to synthesize all of that together in addition to both people, individual birth chart. So yeah, you can probably tell from what I’ve just said, it’s quite lengthy and extensive sort of process in analysis. Right?

Dj Nocturna:  and very, very detailed.

Anastasia: One thing I have, it is very detailed. It is. And the artistry of that is to be able to synthesize it. That’s really the artistry of astrology because, anybody can be very intellectual and be really great at reading books. Right? It’s one thing to absorb knowledge from the left brain as I like to call it, which is the Gemini hemisphere of the brain. That’s the ability to absorb knowledge, information, data, and just read endlessly, be the eternal student, as it were.

However, it is the right brain, which belongs to the archetype of Sagittarius and the planet, Jupiter, which equals wisdom and intuition and being an astrologer in, in my personal opinion I really feel that you need to employ the left and right brain together. If you, if you’re not employing intuition in your astrological work, then you’re missing the bigger picture because the right brain connects to that component within us, that enables us to expand, expand our consciousness, expand our understanding and employ intuitive Insight and understanding that comes from spaces and places that are beyond this 3D dimensional reality that we live in. So a relationship astrology is exciting, it’s interesting. It’s complex and it’s 100% accurate.. in my opinion.

Dj Nocturna: Yeah, that’s what I was going to say it’s accurate because it’s so detailed and, And there there’s important Like the sun is really important, where the sun is in chart,

Anastasia: every, every, every planet, every planet. But yes, the sun is the central purpose of the relationship as it is seen in the Composite Chart. And I think you’ve had a little look at some of my videos. And because you asked me a question about, because I’ve done a video on “Where is it most favorable in a Composite Chart to have the composite sun” okay. And the houses in the Composite… Houses are spaces, areas of life, as it were for the listeners that might not be aware of what is the house in an astrological birth chart, whether it’s a Composite Chart or your own individual birth chart, it is divided into 12 sections.

Each section equal 30 degrees. Which is based on the tropical zodiac basically, which is predominantly what I work with. So each section of those 12 correlates to a very specific area of life. So the second house, for example, whether it’s in a Composite Chart or whether it’s an individual birth chart correlates to your money, your, your everyday influx and flow of cash, how do you make cash?

How do you make money? Of course, it has many other dimensions such as your own personal values. It also correlates to your own inner self-worth, your capability and ability to love yourself, to value yourself. So those sorts of matters of life and how you relate and how you understand and how you work with those components of your life would all be assessed by looking at the second house of a person’s birth chart or the Composite Chart. So in the Composite Chart, if the sun was placed in the Composite Chart of the second house, that would be a reflection of two individuals who have come together, who, whose primary purpose is to experience a journey that their life journey from the level of having a very deep connection in what they both equally valued. They value the same things about life. If they say value music, they value music. If they value spirituality, they value that, if they value money, they value money, whatever it is, but basically fundamentally that they are both able to connect to the same sort of values, which is why they’ve been drawn together to begin with on one level, at least.

Dj Nocturna: What about the other, if their sun let’s just say is in the second house, does the other planets have any influence in the relationship also?

Anastasia: Every single planet does because well, every, every single sign of the Zodiac does and every single planet does because every single sign and every single planet all have very specific descriptions, characteristics, correlation to our life.

So Mars, for example, is the planet of the lower will. It is the planet that equates to our personal desires. It’s the planet that correlates to action, our goals. How do we go out and get what we want? What sort of drive and willpower do we have? But it’s a lower will. And I make a distinction there because the planet Pluto is the highest will.

That is within all of it. Mars is the lower will. That would be the distinction between the lower and the higher will. And just to jump back to Esoteric astrology. Esoteric astrology is always working with the highest will, the soul, and fundamentally what we’re trying to  understand through the lens of esoteric astrology is how can we align our own soul will and  intention with our personality and that’s, that’s the path. That’s, that’s the work. That’s not something that any human being can accomplish overnight that can take lifetime. But that is that, that is the fundamental purpose of understanding esoteric astrology. There is something in esoteric astrology, that’s called the seven rays.

And it is, it is these rays that, they are energetic spheres is, if you like, such as the chakras in our body, we have seven chakras in our bodies, which are basically energy points, energy centers that are represented through very specific colors, for instance. Well, the seven rays in esoteric astrology, more or less the same thing.

And what happens is the constellation. And then the zodiac signs and the planets are all transmitted through these seven rays. Right? So when we are working with these seven rays through having a time of birth, date of birth, places, birth, et cetera. We, we are able to determine what number our soul ray is and what number our personality ray is. So for example, I’m a soul ray number two, and I am a personality ray number one, and that’s, if I was to look at nothing else and just understand what is a soul ray two and what is, personality ray number one that would give me a wealth of information. Of jewel, of richness in understanding the contrast between my personality and my soul and how can I infuse the two together so that I’m functioning and operating in my whole life through those energy points.

Dj Nocturna: Oh, interesting. Yeah, I mean, it’s really detailed. I mean, I have to say, I mean, It’s very interesting. And I know that if people wanted to check out your YouTube page, you have all these different topics, you talk about , which is, I think it’s a good way to learn something. It’s almost like a book you just have to listen to and then they’re figure it out.

You know, that’s the composite, I guess my, my question. Does the composite chart tell the length of a relationship? Between two people when it would end or when it will not end?

Anastasia: no, the Composite Chart wouldn’t necessarily give you that kind of information, but what could give you that information is, and that’s a good question. I’m glad you asked that because that would be a question in a lot of people’s minds. It’s a bit like the question you are is a little bit like saying, Can you tell by looking at a person’s birth chart, how long they’re going to live. Right? Because the life of a relationship, right has a particular length just as the length of our life. Right? So some are 20 years, some are 6 months and the one week, whatever. first of all, I, when, when it comes to the, the example I gave of, you know, how, how long is the length of it?  I don’t speak on those matters at all, but when it comes to, how long will I be in this relationship?

That too is a very complex question. And that’s, that’s the question that, that comes from the soul desires and the soul wanting because every relationship that comes into our life is I said, believe it or not, most of the relationships that we get into are people that we’ve been with in, you know, in, in other lifetimes, usually a lot of relationships we have have, have some sort of, karmas that need to be worked through and resolved, which is part of our evolution, basically.

Yeah. which is why, you know, sometimes. Yeah. You know, we meet people and we have this incredible bond or connection. It could also be that we have this incredible, difficulty with this person, but we know we need to kind of see it through. We know we need to work through this as much as we can.

It’s all sorts of reasons why people stay and why people don’t stay- getting back to your question though. If I wanted to assess what was going on in a couple relationship life at the moment. What I would do is I would look at what’s called the transits to that Composite Chart. So the transits are basically where are, where are the planets in the sky at the moment, for example, when we started talking about 35 minutes ago, Ann, and it’s interesting, the moon just shifted out of Aquarius into Pisces. It was Zero, zero.. yeah, just literally shifted as soon as we started speaking. Of course, I looked at that before

Dj Nocturna: What does that mean?

Anastasia:  Well, I’ll answer that in a moment, but I just want to finish the other question.

So when you’re looking at the position of a planet, right? At any given moment, we can see where Mars was yesterday. We can see where Mars was a thousand years ago. We can see where Mars is going to be in 500 years. Okay? This is, this is the benefit of computers, basically in terms of, you know, in terms of computer software that enables you to progress forward in time or go back in time or look at the very, the present moment. So if I was to look at, a couple and I, and they were, let’s just say a couple came to me and they were having a really hard time in their relationship and they’d been together for a year. They were facing some real obstacles, but they had a lot of love for each other and they weren’t willing to give up.

They, they really want to stay in this relationship, but they want to understand. What are these difficulties about? How can we work through them? And that’s, that’s a very, a typical occurrence in relationships, right? Regardless of the length of the time of the relationship. So I would look at their composite  chart and I would look at transit to the Composite chart, meaning where are the planets in the heavens at the moment, and what are they actually doing in relation to this couple’s chart?

What’s being hit off. What’s being triggered, what’s presenting these challenges and it will be there in black and white, literally. It’s rarely obscure. It’s rarely obscure. It’s usually quite literal, actually alarmingly quite literal, the benefit. It is amazing. It is amazing. And the benefit of that type of guidance and experience is that, an astrologer is able to give a couple, very specific reasons.

You know, very practical and specific reasons as to why they may be facing, you know, X, Y, Z. And how long will this be in for because it’s not forever, but when a couple or an individual that matter It’s going through a really deeply anxious or troubling time in their life. When you’re in that moment, you can’t, your mind cannot comprehend that this is not forever because all, you know, a feeling in that moment is that yeah, the difficulty, the suffering, the anxiety, the stress, so we can become so overwhelmed by those books of experiences.

It’s very difficult to be objective and to see the bigger picture. So that’s why, you know, if you can go to a good astrologer, when you are perhaps facing situation like that, the astrologer can give the couple or the individual guidance about what is it, that’s presenting these issues, what is it really about and how can you work through them and how long will it last as well?

Dj Nocturna: I was just going to say, so I was just going to say it’s possible then to, to alter. so it’s not, it’s not, it’s not destined whatever’s in your chart. I mean, you can, you can alter the outcome?

Anastasia: Look, I think, honestly in my experience and observations over many, many years, I think there are a number of things actually that are, destined with, with, without any doubt in my mind whatsoever.

However, having said that the destined components, which could be, a destined relationship, you meet somebody and it’s a totally, it’s totally destiny. You must be in that relationship and work through it, however difficult or pleasant it is. Right? So you can’t alter destiny in that way. But another way of saying that would be to say, Well, it’s, this is part of my destiny and my soul is desiring to evolve through these experiences and these lessons by having greater awareness and insight around this, it enables me to actually respond okay with awareness, with compassion, with the heart, with love, with understanding as opposed to seeing it judgment, Oppression, oppression, resistance. And that’s where there are they specific encounters or moments that are quite destined. And then there are a number of other things that occur in our life that are not destined at all, but the, the lack of awareness and understanding of what is going on and why it’s going on is what creates what I would call, an experience of contraction, you know, we withdraw, okay. And we try to protect ourselves and we create barriers mentally, physically, spiritually, and emotionally. And that contraction doesn’t really enable us to consciously work through any given issue or experience, but rather we resist.

And the resistance, all that says really is, It might create a sense of what I would call false safety because you’re not, we’re not really working through that. We’re just kind of withdrawing and lessons in life they just repeat until we actually evolve through them. Right.

Dj Nocturna: Yeah. I said, yeah, I agree.

Yeah. I was just saying, yeah, absolutely. That’s …

Anastasia: yeah, yeah.

Dj Nocturna: You know,

Anastasia: we’re all challenged.

Dj Nocturna: We are. Yeah. I mean, that’s why I love astrology because, you know, I’m, I’m, I’m like you, I like to learn. I’m still learning, you know, and I always want to learn and, I guess it’s the  Sagittarius to me, you know?

And you know, in, in the Composite Chart, I know, you know, the sun, right? It’s, it’s the purpose of the connection, right? So, yeah, I guess I’m moving a little, a little bit ahead of everybody. People may not be aware of the houses that’s connected to, to a good relationship, I guess, you know, house one, four, five, seven, like what you said, those houses are connected to being, to be a good placement for the sun.

Anastasia: yeah. So let me draw, okay. Okay. Sorry, go ahead.

Dj Nocturna: No, go ahead. Go ahead.

Anastasia: I was just going to say, I think, I think what your, I think what you’re asking he is there are certain positions, but houses as you correctly call them in the composite chart that would correlate to what appears to be a relationship that could work better as opposed to some other houses in the chart that would, definitely be a lot more challenging without question.

So yes, that is the case. And, there are, for example, the 12th house or the six house in a Composite Chart are very difficult houses for a relationship when you have, specifically the sun or Probably most personal kind of specifically the sun or the moon let me give an example. So if the sun was in the 12th house for a couple in a Composite Chart, there would be this incredible sense of perhaps, a lovely connection between the people, but there will always be this underlying sense of why are we actually together?

But it’s really difficult to understand.

Dj Nocturna: No, it’s funny that there’s a lot

Anastasia:    What are we actually doing together?

Dj Nocturna: there’s a lot of couples, like that

Anastasia: that’s a funny thing. Yeah. Yeah, well, they probably have the Composite Sun in the 12th house. Yeah, exactly. Exactly. It’s it’s, it’s the 12th house in, in the Composite Chart or in the birth chart is the part of the chart that basically correlates to the entirety of everything.

It’s the wholeness, the oneness of everything. It’s divine, spirit consciousness, creations, old things emerges out of that particular part of the chart. It’s like the ocean, it’s like the couple dive into this Ocean. And they’re trying to find each other in this vast, vast

Dj Nocturna: That’s a great analogy.

Anastasia: Yeah. Yeah. Well, that’s literally what it feels like and perhaps when they’re sleeping well, they’re dreaming that they’ve got this incredible bond and connection, but in the waking day life, there can be this sense of “What is this relationship really about? “ It can be very, very challenging, very, very difficult to understand. What’s the purpose of you and I actually being together. And that’s a pretty important question in people’s minds when they’re in a relationship, why are we together? What’s the purpose of this relationship? And there are no clear answer to that or direction that can be very problematic. And, and,

Dj Nocturna: you know..

Anastasia: Go ahead. I’m Sorry

Dj Nocturna: Go ahead. Go finish, finish up.

Anastasia: Just, just to give, another example of another part of the chart that is just as difficult is it’s the opposite house to the 12th, which is the 6th house. Now the 6th house is many different things, but it equates to service, self-improvement daily work in rituals, mind, mind, body connection or disconnection, but in a Composite Chart, it’s when the sun is found in the 6th house of the Composite Chart to put it very simply. It can leave the couple feeling, at least one person in that, in that unison, it can leave them feeling like there’s something really unequal about this relationship because of 6th House connects to service. It’s a bit like, the master and the servant, a couple could literally feel like. one is, you know, more superior to the other and there’s, there’s some very distinct..

Dj Nocturna: there’s a lot of couples like that too.

Anastasia: inequality and imbalance.

Dj Nocturna: There’s a lot of, I mean, I’m, I’m, I’m seeing, I’m picturing all these people. I know that’s in the same situation and that in that, in that house. So that’s, that’s, that’s incredible, you know, it’s amazing. Wow. And I guess they were destined to be together, right? No matter what. So I guess they have some…

Anastasia: well…Yeah. I mean, there are all sorts of, reasons why people come together. I firmly believe that a lot of it really has to do with unfinished karma from the past, you know, because every single one of us is evolving. Including the planet, herself, mother earth, she’s evolving all the planets are evolving. Every single soul is evolving as business. it’s infinite. Yeah. So this evolutionary process that we are all going through takes us and weaves us through many different streams of life, through many different experiences. And. In, in my understanding and what I’ve learned to really understand, and except actually more than anything else is that there’s no such thing as good or bad, but it’s only the mind that actually defines something as good or bad, but from a much higher level from your soul level, from the level of evolving, when you attract a particular situation in your life, it’s not good or bad, it’s just part of your growth and evolution.

Dj Nocturna: Right, right.

Anastasia: That’s all it is.

Dj Nocturna: So…

Anastasia:  And that includes relationship

Dj Nocturna: right. So I know you do all kinds of different types of readings and, if somebody wanted to contact you for a reading, how do they go about doing that? You have a You Tube channel.

Anastasia: Yeah, I have a YouTube channel and they can also find me through Facebook as well.

I have a professional Facebook page set up. People can contact me through that. I had started to build a website last year and I, didn’t get around to working, working on that and, and getting it up to scratch. So perhaps it’s something I’ll focused on later this year, I’ll just saying, incredibly busy actually working with clients to be quite honest, that’s, that’s all I’ve been doing. And I was doing it virtually seven days a week and I found myself feeling slightly exhausted so I decided that I will give myself the weekends off and only worked five days a week, but people can find me through my YouTube channel, which is Anastasia Cosmic, Astrologer.

It has my details there. They can email me directly. They go to, if they’re on Facebook, it’s the same thing, Anastasia, Cosmic Astrologer. If I can just read it under that name, they will find me either on YouTube or Facebook. And all they need to do is to shoot me an email or a message. And I respond very, very quickly to people.

Dj Nocturna: Yeah. Yeah. And, or they can, you know, check out the, the podcast, if they missed this interview.  DJNocturna.com in Spotify, iTunes, Tune In, I heart radio and some other forum. Wow! You know, thank you so much. It’s so interesting. I mean it’s so vast. I mean, there’s, I mean, you have to come back on the show and talk about another topic.

Anastasia: Yeah, absolutely. I  can talk for hours and just sort of scratch the surface. But yeah, I know.

Dj Nocturna: I know. Yeah. There’s a lot to talk about, I

Anastasia: think. Very, very, there is, there is, Is there anything else that you think your listeners might want to hear about? I mean, at this present moment while we’re still talking, or is there anything that you think wasn’t clear or…You know, something that I can maybe expand on.

Dj Nocturna:  You know if  they have a question, you know, maybe they can ask you, email, email you, or, you know, I’m sure they have a lot of questions. I’m sure. I’m sure they do because even I do, you know, and I would love to have you back on the show to talk about another topic.

Cause I mean, there’s so much, I mean, you haven’t even, I mean, there’s so much about the Composite Chart. That, that’s interesting about it. I mean, it’s going to take hours, but,

Anastasia: yeah, I

Dj Nocturna: mean, I really, really appreciate you coming on the show and talking to us about this and thank you so much for all the, the wisdom.

Anastasia: Thank you for having me.


Written by: Modsnap Radio

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