
Peter Matthew Bauer – “Skulls”

todayJune 26, 2022

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After the Walkmen went on an indefinite hiatus almost 10 years ago, Peter Matthew Bauer started up a solo career, kicking off with Liberation! in 2014 and then Mount Qaf (Divine Love) in 2017. Then, for a while, it seemed Bauer had transitioned to managing bands. But last month,

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Spaced – “Prove You Wrong”

I saw the Buffalo hardcore band Spaced open for Angel Du$t in Richmond a couple of months ago, and they ruled. Spaced play straight-up hardcore with serious verve and bounce to it, and lead singer Lexi Reyngoudt is a commanding presence who seems to really, really love being out front of that band.  » Read More

todayJune 26, 2022
