
Premiere: Paige Su Shares New Single “Involuntary Adventures”

todayDecember 11, 2022

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Early next year, Taiwanese art pop singer/songwriter Paige Su is set to share her sophomore LP, You’ll Live Forever In My Songs, out February 24th. Su debuted in 2017 with her full-length record, We Are All Lonely Souls, but has spent the intervening years largely quietly until in 2020 an unexpected cancer diagnosis and the isolation of the COVID-19 pandemic reignited a powerful creative spark.  » Read More

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Tom DeLonge Posts Blink-182 Arrest Photo

Since Tom DeLonge has announced that he would be rejoining Blink-182, he has made it his job to dig up any old pieces of media that he may have from years upon years ago that feature anything from fart jokes to him being arrested while Mark Hoppus looked on laughing. Yes, that’s right, Tom DeLonge was once arrested.  » Read More

todayDecember 10, 2022 10
