
Premiere: Zola Simone Shares New EP ‘Flower’ – Stream It Below

todaySeptember 29, 2022

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NYC via Boston indie singer/songwriter Zola Simone first made waves with last year’s debut album, Now You See Me, a record that introduced Simone’s sleek combination of pop hooks, chilled R&B harmonies, and vulnerable indie lyricism. In the year since, she has followed with a string of singles, teasing her forthcoming new EP, Flower, releasing tomorrow,  » Read More

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Premiere: Goalkeeper Shares New Single “Car Wreck”

Next month Philadelphia-based pop punk trio Goalkeeper are set to share their debut full-length album, I Wish I Met You Sooner, out on October 28th. Focusing on vibrant melodies, towering instrumentals, and sharp songwriting, the band encapsulates both the anthemic and driving sides of the genre, piling hooks on top of hooks while retaining a pummelling instrumental presence.  » Read More

todaySeptember 29, 2022 1
