
Review: My Chemical Romance Sends Off Summer In Style

todaySeptember 24, 2022 1

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Written By Andy Farrell

The pandemic affected everyone in one-way or another. One of those ways was the closing down of music venues and cancelling of tours across the board. One such tour to fall prey to the pandemic was the reunion tour of My Chemical Romance. Fast-forward two years and now the tour is finally taking place.

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Billy Corgan Reveals Why Chris Cornell Really Died

Being in the professional music business takes a toll on mental health. The climb through the music industry’s ranks can be tough to the artists’ mental health. The Smashing Pumpkins frontman Billy Corgan recently highlighted the concerning issue during a recent interview with Boomer and Gio of New York’s WFAN Radio by noting just how many of his peers lost their lives to suicide.  » Read More

todaySeptember 24, 2022 2
