
Sketch & Etch Neon Review: Custom Lights For Your Studio, Event, and Music Brand

todayOctober 11, 2022 11

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In music, staying on brand is more important now than ever before. With a sea of producers and DJs all vying for a limited amount of attention from the masses, having something that both the artist and potential fans can latch onto is essential. But unless you have thousands of dollars to invest …

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5 Devices You Need for Your Own DJ Setup

You can make and enjoy music through many avenues, some of which you can turn into a career, such as DJing.  The art of DJing takes skill, practice, and a fantastic setup to succeed. There are many types of gear and devices that every DJ should have, and these devices will help you create ...Continue reading  » Read More

todayOctober 11, 2022 27
