
Ted Nugent Reveals Worst Drug He Used

todaySeptember 24, 2022

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Ted Nugent, the legendary rocker who has very right leaning views has recently weighed in on the prevalence of U.S. obesity, a chronic disease affecting more than 40% of the country’s population with medical costs nearing $175 billion.

The outspoken conservative rocker, who turned 73 last December, made his comments in response to former U.S. secretary of defense Mark Esper’s warning about the U.S.

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Axl Rose Bumps Into Slash In Concert Video

Guns N’ Roses are currently on their South American Tour. A video clip recently surfaced the social media where Axl Rose and Slash were spotted performing on stage. While, Rose was singing and Slash playing his guitar, they accidentally bumped into each other in a wholesome moment as they continued their performance. Check it out below: Slash e Axl esbarrando um no outro,  » Read More

todaySeptember 24, 2022
